A downloadable game for Windows

I made this game to improve c++ skills on unreal engine so it done for completely self education. It does not offer enhanced gameplay mechanics but for 2-3 minutes can make you have fun.  If game is so fast you can limit frame rate using nvidia control panel. 

There 4 different types of enemy

rocks,military bariers  and  cases can be shotted

when cases are hit by the player, it offers new weapon types which are specified on theirs top.

rocks and military bariers can add one point player score when they are destroyed by shooting. Rocks are also able to heading up to player as long as they are exists (all enemies automatically is removed after certain time)

military barries with numbers on them cannot be destroyed but when you overlap with them 

they can add +1 weapon or remove 1 weapon based on number written in front of them

 Xbox leftStick  X axis and D-pad  , A,D -> Slide character

Xbox RT and mouse left -> shoot 

Z,X and Xbox left Stick Button Y axis -> Zoom In Zoom out


EndlessWar v1.32.rar 953 MB

Development log


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ops ı mean... good good that was so much fun

I'm glad you like it, i'll keep on adding extra features :)